Stevia for Diabetes!
The International diabetes federation states that 1 in 10
adults are diabetic, which means 425 million people are
living with diabetes.
To still live healthy spite of diabetes is to maintain normal
body weight, exercise regularly, take on-time medications
and good nutritive food including stevia.
Benefits of stevia for diabetes
Stevia has properties that provide the subsequent benefits.
Lowers the blood glucose: Stevia has the ability to reduce
the plasma glucose levels when compared to other artificial
sweeteners. The fact is that Stevia is zero calories which
makes is vital for those trying to reduce their glucose levels.
Stevia can increase the glucose tolerance as well. Refined
sugar, white sugar, sugar that contains sucrose only makes
people obese as it has many calories. It is advisable that we
use stevia instead of sugar or other artificial sweeteners that
is available in the market, whenever we can.
For Type 2 diabetic people, stevia has resulted in triggering
a Glucagon response and decreases blood glucose.
Glucagon is a hormone that regulates our blood’s ‘blood
glucose’. Diabetic people’s system that segregates glucagon
is malfunctioning.
The Glycemic Index of food which are less than 50 are
considered suitable for diabetic people. It gets better with
even lesser number. The glycemic index of refined sugar is
80 when compared to stevia which is Zero. Hence the stevia
based sweetener manufactured by LaStevia is the perfect
sweetener or sugar substitute without compromising on the
sweetness of your food.
Deepni Pradeep